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Off-Reserve Indigenous NB

Reaching Home’s Indigenous Homelessness stream provides funding to organizations that provide supports to meet the unique needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The intent is that the funding be provided to Indigenous organizations located in urban centres.

The program promotes social inclusion and cultural connections within communities, and aims to ensure that culturally-appropriate supports are available for Indigenous Peoples who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness in urban centres.

Indigenous Peoples are not limited to accessing only the services that are funded by the Indigenous homelessness stream; they may also access services and supports from organizations that are funded by the program’s other regional streams.

Eligible projects

Projects must meet a demonstrated need, and applicants must show that investments will be targeted toward helping address Indigenous homelessness. There is no requirement for matching contributions, though community contributions are encouraged. Projects must also meet the program requirements of Reaching Home.

How to apply for project funding

Reaching Home’s Indigenous Homelessness funding is provided to organizations, not to individuals directly. Organizations that may apply include not-for-profits and other community-based organizations in urban centres that provide supports to help prevent and reduce homelessness. Under the Indigenous Homelessness stream, priority is given to funding Indigenous organizations.

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